Recently, my wife and I realized we’d gotten date night as a married couple with small children all wrong. Often we have a sitter come around 6pm, run out the door, and return slightly relaxed and somewhat recharged around 10pm.
Your Cover Letter Sucks
I know you meant well. You did what the experts told you to. I don’t doubt you spent hours and hours refining it (you did, didn’t you?!?). Despite all that, I’m confident your cover letter sucks.
Should You Have a Resume Objective?
Recently, I took two of my close colleagues out for drinks to celebrate hiring seven people in 14 weeks across multiple cities. Without them, there’s no way it would have happened. We created a process and stuck with it even when it didn’t bear fruit initially. Although, that’s a post for a different day.
We were out at a crowded NYC bar and the topic of resumes came up, but more specifically the “resume objective.” How convenient since this was also the topic of my next post.
Why You Need a Career Coach
I felt like I was in quicksand and sinking fast. I was recently married, living on the Upper East Side while working for the Associated Press in Manhattan. At the time, it felt like I was doing all the right things: working hard, producing millions in revenue for the suits (not for myself), while keeping their costs down. Surely, I thought, this hard work would pay off. I also had a strong internal network and was even accepted into a prestigious mentorship program within the company. And yet the hard work went unnoticed, I had almost nothing to show for it, and my frustrations began to peak.